Please provide us a phone number connected to Whatsapp. If you still don't use it, please get it, because this is the way we will contact you to connect you with the clients that might hire you.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number and email, I agree to receive text, email, and whatsapp messages from the business.

How would you rate your Conversation English skills?
How would you rate your Written English skills?
If yes, please provide more details about it
cold caller, EA, Closer, Appt setter, GD, VE, other
Please select the closest position
1 . Introduction: Introduce yourself with your full name and the position you're applying for. 2 . Professional Appearance: Dress appropriately for the position, presenting yourself in a polished and professional manner (as if you were dressed for an important interview at an office). 3. Clear Audio: Speak loudly and clearly, ensuring your voice is audible and free from background noise. 4. Good Lighting: Record your video in a well-lit environment to ensure your face is clearly visible. 5. Stable Camera: Use a stable surface or tripod to avoid shaky footage. 6. Engagement and Enthusiasm: Showcase your enthusiasm for the role and engage confidently with the camera. 7. Relevant Information: Share relevant details about your background, skills, and experiences that make you a strong candidate. 8. Conciseness: Keep your introduction concise, aiming for a duration of 5-8 minutes. 9. Eye Contact: Maintain eye contact with the camera to convey sincerity and confidence. 10. Authenticity: Be genuine in your presentation, avoiding sounding rehearsed or scripted. Don’t look like you are reading a text. 11. Language and Tone: Use professional language and an appropriate tone throughout your video. For sales and client-facing roles, be energetic and transmit the attitude you would have with those customers. 12. Closing Statement: Conclude with a brief summary of your interest in the position and why you believe you're a good fit.

Click on Submit to finish your application. If after clicking, you are taken to a confirmation page, it means your application has been submitted successfully. If the submit button is not activated, please go back one question and try again. If the issue persists, please try on another device or browser.
Once you have successfully submitted your application, you will receive an email containing a link to complete an English and personality test. Please note that these links will expire in 3 days. It is important to complete these tests within this time frame. If we do not receive your test results, your application will be disregarded, and we will be unable to move forward with the process.